Our ultimate goal is to promote business efficiency through service provision tailored to your needs.
We provide full support for business development services such us:
✓ Analysis of the company’s current financial situation.
✓ Study of the way the business operates and create policies for its short-term and long-term targets.
✓ Comparative Business Analysis.
✓ Improvement of the way the business operates in crucial sectors (Pricing Policy, Stock Policy, Credit Policy, Product / Service Re-Costing).
✓ Examine existing funding procedures and monitor the banking liabilities.
✓ Planning the way the company operates (policy setting, operational and financial cost compression measures).
✓ Monthly monitoring of the company’s financial data compared to the budget and previous year’s data – identification of the deviations and causes – recording of conclusions – suggestions for improvements.
✓ Inspection of the costing system operation and Activity Based Costing methodology optimization and implementation.
✓ Measurement of Operational Cash Flow Analysis & use of modern tools for strengthening the cash flow.
✓ Break –Even Point analysis.
✓ Edit Cash Planning for a better audit of cahiers.
✓ Provide consultancy support in general issues that concern day to day management.
✓ Financial Reports.
✓ Assessment of knowledge and experience, based on the industry in which you want to be active.
✓ Evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of the activity you have chosen and analyze the forces and weaknesses arising from your planned internal organization (PEST, S.W.O.T. Analysis).
✓ Guidance on the development of your company’s Strategic Plan.
✓ Organization of the Marketing Plan.
✓ Create a detailed schedule of actions according to the finalized Strategic and
✓ Budget of expenses and revenues for the first and / or extra years of operation.
✓ Assessment of the location of the business and its operating costs.
✓ Record the necessary jobs and the human resources profile you will need when starting up.
✓ Recording of equipment: fix assets, good will, inventories, cash equivalents etc.
✓ Suggestion of proper IT level and required software.
✓ Support throughout the implementation of Strategic Planning.
✓ Audit of results and proposals for corrective actions. Evaluation of the company’s current situation (finance, product, market).
✓ Description of the investment project.
✓ Collecting all the data necessary to develop the cash flow model, and all other information important to the project (market environment – legal limitations, competitors, potential customers).
✓ Building the business plan including the financial model.
✓ Project viability assessment.
✓ Sensitivity analysis.
✓ Formulating recommendations.
Link supports companies for the formatting and implantation of Strategic Marketing. First of all the businessman should be aware of:
✓ The branch of activity.
✓ Competitors.
✓ The external conditions that affect its activity.
✓ The target audience target market.
✓ The peculiarities of the purchasing community based on its geographical dispersion.
Once the above findings have been made, and having taken note of the overall Corporate Strategy, we are proceeding with the inter-company improvements that may concern:
✓ Updating, improvement, removal, import of products and services.
✓ Updating, improvement, removal of the existing Marketing Mix (product / service, price, distribution, promotion).
✓ Updating, improving corporate image.
✓ Improving the flow of work and delivery, creating a healthy work environment that consists of efficient and collaborative workforce.
✓ Internal structure and organization of the business
✓ Suppliers – Products
✓ Human resources
✓ Organization of Accounting department and procedures
✓ Sales organization
✓ Financial flows
✓ Liabilities
✓ Gross Profit – Operating Cost – Break Even Point
✓ Finding net value
✓ Finding profits / losses
✓ Financial Ratio Analysis
✓ Cash Flow Analysis
✓ Sensitivity Analysis
✓ Sales budget
✓ Production budget
✓ Budget of raw materials
✓ Budget for expenses
✓ Budget Balance Sheet
✓ A budgeted statement of income statement
✓ Cash budget
✓ Policy on budgeting
✓ Investment budget
✓ Controlling budget
✓ Budget of break-even point
✓ Estimation on trade policies
✓ Estimation on cash flows
✓ Monitoring and updating of the budget.
The most important developments in 2017 for business development