Within the new unprecedented taxing environment we provide valid and up-to-date information to our clients.
We develop a well-documented taxing plan, fully complied with the current tax legislation focusing on our clients’ particular needs.
We provide full support for corporate tax consulting services such us:
✓ Advice on corporate tax issues.
✓ Tax coordination of overseas activities.
✓ Tax provision outsourcing.
✓ Corporate income tax compliance.
✓ Indirect tax compliance.
✓ Tax consulting and support.
✓ Continuous process improvement, leveraging our ongoing investment in technology and data gathering processes.
✓ Support during your year-end tax audit and dispute support.
✓ Support and advice during Greek tax authorities auditing.
✓ Regular controls/checks and management reports.
A Profit & Loss Statement (P&L) measures the activity of a business over a period of time – usually a month, a quarter, or a year.
Profit and loss (P&L) accounts are an important cornerstone and a key element of annual financial accounts, with the aid of which businesses state the sources of their income and expenses to determine the annual result. In other words, P&L accounts contain information relevant to a company’s turnover during a financial year.
✓ Advice on adapting processes, systems, data and manuals
✓ Training and ongoing coaching support
✓ Technical accounting advice and support tools relating to: Identification of significant differences between current Greek Accounting Principles and IFRS
✓ Determine what financial and non-financial disclosures are required
✓ Valuation and impairment testing
✓ Transfer pricing planning and compliance advice
✓ Preparation of Documentation Sheets and Interservice Transaction Matters
✓ Fines / violations of intra-group transactions
✓ Advice and assistance in preparing transfer pricing documentation in accordance to Greek or foreign legislation
✓ Assistance in transfer pricing audits
✓ Benchmarking reports
✓ Support during tax audit for transfer pricing
✓ APA’s – Pre-approval of intra-group transactions
Amendments to Law 4172/2013 and Law 4174/2013:
✓ It is now clarified that legal persons and legal entities, as defined by Law 4172/2013, must document transactions with associated persons as these are defined in Article 2 of Law 4172/2013 (Transfer Pricing rules).
✓ It is not stipulated whether a threshold (minimum amount) will apply per type and per counterparty for transactions that must be documented.
✓ The deadline for the preparation of the Transfer Pricing Documentation File and the electronic submission of the Summary Information Sheet is extended to 4 months after the end of each tax year.
✓ A penalty at the rate of 1% of the entity’s recorded gross revenues is imposed in case of submission of an inaccurate or incomplete Summary Information Sheet.
✓ The decision to be issued by the General Secretariat will also determine, among others, a simplified documentation process for small and medium sized enterprises.
Amendments to Law 4110/2013:
The Tax Authority has the right to retroactively request the Transfer Pricing Documentation Files of companies that had the obligation under the provisions of Article 26 of Law 3728/2008 of the Ministry of Development to document their intercompany transactions within financial years 2008-2009. The Documentation Files will be audited by the Tax Authority according to the applicable provisions of each period.
✓ Diagnostic Tax Reviews
✓ Identification of tax risks and advice on relevant minimization strategies
✓ Evaluation of potential tax burden
✓ Firm transformation, Mergers and Acquisitions
✓ Tax consulting support of firms and tax legislation compliance control
✓ Tax statements composition
✓ Provision of tax advice according to specific sectors, products and services
✓ Handling of asset tax related transactions
✓ Tax control encounter and settlement of tax suspensions
✓ Setting up native companies
The most important developments in 2017 for corporate tax consulting